SearchGPT - The next opportunity in web marketing?

Is OpenAI, the company behind the now well-known ChatGPT platform, about to change the online search industry and its advertisers? 

July 25, 2024 saw the unveiling of the company's latest prototype: SearchGPT. A search engine powered by artificial intelligence, much like ChatGPT, but instead of performing tasks this technology will search the web for you to answer all your questions, effortlessly. It's a whole new way of searching the web. By enhancing the conversational capabilities of models with real-time information from the web, it will be possible to get what you're looking for faster and more efficiently. Quite simply, you'll be able to interact with the search engine, which will converse with you to refine your search results.

For the time being, SearchGPT is only a prototype and not yet available to the general public. Its functionalities are currently being tested by a small group of users and partners to gather feedback on how it works, with a view to improving its performance. This prototype should be temporary, however, as its best features will eventually be integrated directly into the parent platform, ChatGPT.

It's easy to imagine that this is the beginning of a real and direct threat to the world's most popular search engine, Google. Although OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has said that he has no interest in copying Google, we can certainly assume that he has ambitions to create something even better. While it's still too early to tell what impact SearchGPT will have on the web search environment, it's undoubtedly something to keep a close eye on over the coming months and years. 

At Planning Media, our ambition is always to offer the best solutions and technologies to our customers, and we'll be at the forefront of testing, analyzing and understanding these new features. Rest assured that when opportunities arise, Planning Media customers will be the first to benefit. 

Sources :,,

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