New Instagram feature: ''Edit grid''

A few weeks ago, Instagram announced the imminent arrival of several new features. The platform is currently testing 3 new "feeds" for its users. But the new "edit grid" feature is even more talked about.

This information has been published on Twitter by Alessandro PaluzziA well-known researcher in reverse engineering. He studies the internal workings of the application by deconstructing it to discover the developments in progress.

Let's take a look at the details of this new feature and its impact on the future of Instagram in this blog.

What we know about this new feature

Paluzzi shares in his post that the developers are currently working on this new "edit grid" feature. This feature would allow users to edit the profile grid. It would therefore be possible to arrange the publications in the desired order.

In the image he posted in his tweet, we can see an "edit grid" button in the profile settings. The button then allows you to drag and drop the posts in the order you want. 

This way the profile can be completely changed regardless of the chronological order. In this way, the user can place the images he prefers at the top of his page giving them a better visibility. 

On the same idea, Adam Moressi who holds the position of executive at Facebook had announced the possibility of "pin" publications. The "pin" allows you to place certain posts at the top of your "feed" in order to better expose them. This function already known on Facebook, Twitter and TikTok should be added on Instagram soon. 

In addition to being able to change the display of his profile, Adam Moressi also announces 3 new "feeds" on the user's homepage. To the delight of many, 2 of these "feeds" will allow to see posts in chronological order. Here are the 3 proposed news feeds:

  • Home: "Home" is the experience that the current user already knows. The posts are sorted according to what interests them.

  • Favorites: This is a list of accounts that would likely be of interest to the user. It is therefore posts from creators that are not followed by the user, but that will most likely interest him.

  • Following: as in the old Instagram, this newsfeed presents the posts of creators followed by the user, in chronological order.

The future of Instagram?

This new Instagram feature could benefit brand accounts and personal bloggers. It's a new feature that will appeal to enthusiasts of aesthetically pleasing profiles. 

Obviously, the modification of profile grids raises ethical questions in the community. With the emphasis on authenticity on social networks, we question the role of this function in this issue. Would the scrapbook that is Instagram become orchestrated and inauthentic? 

Aside from this new "edit grid" feature, Mosseri shares with us the main focuses of the Instagram platform for the coming year. The emphasis will be on messaging and video content. The way users navigate the platform will change in order to direct them more towards video content.

It is assumed that Instagram will transition to a full-screen display that favors Stories and Reels. It is probably due to this change in display and algorithm that Instagram is venturing into profile grid modification.

When will this new feature be available?

As for the 3 new "feeds" presented by Moressu, we can expect them by the first half of 2022. As for the "edit grid" and "pinned posts" functions, no official announcement has been made yet about their implementation. 

But the fact remains that many social network managers are looking forward to this feature. It would be a turning point for online branding.

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