Digital media in 2021, what can we expect?

The year 2020 has brought us its share of uncertainties and that is an understatement. March 2020 was marked by the beginning of the pandemic and the first containment in Quebec. Companies had to quickly reinvent themselves to face this unprecedented crisis. Despite this, we have seen that human beings and their companies are capable of adapting quickly and showing great resilience. 

Many companies have been quick to make the shift to e-commerce in order to keep their businesses going. Last May, online purchases were up 111% over the previous year. Time spent on social media and watching video content online has also largely increased, pushing brands to connect with their audience in a different way.

With the whirlwind of 2020 behind us, 2021 comes to us in the era of change and adaptability. Now it's time to look at what we can expect in the coming year.

More live content

As venues continue to close, it's certain that this trend we've seen explode over the past few months is here to stay. Artists, influencers and various professionals will continue to use digital platforms like YouTube and Facebook to stream their content live so they can interact with their audience like they would at a show or event for example. 

Engaging and authentic content will be even more important, as consumers, especially in times of uncertainty, want to invest in things they believe in and that adhere to their values.

It would also not be surprising to see these events remain over time given their greater flexibility and higher ROI.

More voice searches

Probably the loneliness of people during the pandemic will have led them to talk more with their voice assistants, but nothing prevents this from being a growing trend since the last years and will continue to be so in 2021.

The content of websites should also be optimized for voice searches, because this type of search often generates different results than when the user makes a search by typing on a keyboard. A content optimized for voice searches would be more direct, a bit more like a conversation, it would allow a better positioning during voice searches and thus increase the visibility and traffic on the website. 

More sales via social media

The contribution of social media in the sales channel of companies in recent years is undeniable. At the beginning, social media acted as a discovery channel in the customer's buying process where he could get in touch with new brands and products. 

Platforms like Facebook now present users with simplified ways to make integrated purchases right on their platform without having to go to the brand's website. This reduces the number of clicks and steps in the sales process, making it easy and effortless for consumers to make purchases.

2021: Continued growth in online presence

2020 will have pushed brands to find new avenues in the way they communicate with their audience. The closing of businesses and the rise of telecommuting have led consumers to spend even more time online. 

For the year 2021, the key to success is to continue to improve your web presence and generate engaging content and solutions that will allow you to get even closer to your consumers. So don't put off change, because we've got both feet in it, but dare to be creative and unique in your marketing strategy.

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