Volunteer of the year!

Louis-Pierre Desjardins, one of the two founders of Planning Media, is among the 3 finalists in the Volunteer of the Year category at the prestigious Gala: Les Grands Prix de la Relève d'Affaires, presented by the Regroupement des Jeunes Chambres de Commerce du Québec (RJCCQ).

This year's gala, which will be held in Montreal, will be attended by more than 500 distinguished guests from 37 Jeunes Chambres de Commerce du Québec and will be presided over by none other than Mr. Louis Vachon, President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Bank and, of course, Mr. Monsef Derraji, President and Director General of the RJCCQ.

The Volunteer of the Year category is awarded to the person who has obviously invested many hours of volunteer work, but also according to his or her ability to integrate into the business community and the way he or she innovates within his or her Junior Chamber or Youth Wing.

Louis-Pierre, outgoing President of the Youth Wing of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Thérèse-de Blainville (CCITB), will therefore represent the latter at the gala presented on June 21, 2017.

The CCITB will be proudly represented at this Gala, among others by Mr. Frédéric Michaud of Génacol for the Activity of the Year award for their 6@8 Inter-Jeunes Chambres and also Valérie Brunet, from the CCITB, for the activity Les Bâtisseurs in the same category.

Planning Media is proud to see the activity: Les Bâtisseurs, ranked among the top 5 activities in the province, since it has been a sponsor of this series for the past 2 years and its other founder, Eric Dufour, participates as an Expert. You can view this series by clicking on the following link: http://www.ccitb.ca/batisseurs 

We wish Louis-Pierre and the other finalists the best of luck.

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