The end of expanded text ads

It's now official, from July 2022, we won't be able to create new ETAs, expanded text ads, or modify existing ETAs in Google Ads.

The goal of this change from Google is to put forward the RSA, responsive search ads. The RSA are semi-automated and they adapt to the searches of Internet users. Moreover, they allow easier access to Internet users to your website.

While you will no longer be able to create new ETAs or modify existing ones, existing ETAs will continue to run alongside responsive and dynamic ads.

In addition, when it comes to your ETAs, you will always be able to view their performance. So you will be able to pause and resume your ETAs or delete them if necessary. You can also visit Google's press release for more details on this change. 

Other ad options 

Although ETAs are slowly disappearing, there are other interesting options available to you such as responsive ads and dynamic ads. 

Here is what it consists of more precisely:

Responsive ads (RSA): The ad contains up to 15 titles and 4 descriptions. Google displays different combinations depending on the elements provided. Machine learning " suggests the most relevant combination for the user's search.

Dynamic ads (DSA): The ad is displayed when the user's search query is related to frequently used headlines or phrases on your website. Google Ads generates a relevant headline and then displays your ad with that headline to attract the attention of searchers. The ad title and landing page URL are dynamically generated based on the search and content on your site. You can write two lines of description for these ads.

How to prepare for change

Since you will no longer be able to create new RSAs, after June 30, 2022, you will therefore need to think about what you will do for your future ads. Google recommends that you start preparing RSAs for each ad group you currently have. That way, if you have any adjustments to make to your ads, you'll be able to make them with your RSAs. 

In addition, Google also offered some tips on how advertisers can repurpose and restructure their ETA content for ASRs. Here are some examples to implement:

  • Replicate the powerful content of ETAs and focus on the strength of the ads. 

  • Pin titles or descriptions to specific positions in your responsive ads. You will be able to do this with the option to pin a title or description.

  • Evaluate the success of ads based on impressions, clicks and additional conversions.

RSAs, one more change towards automation

What we understand from this change is that Google is pushing semi-automated and potentially fully automated ads. Machine learning would display the perfect combination of headlines and descriptions to get a click. Read more about the "machine learning" pushed by Google, see this page.

In sum, what we need to remember is that the main purpose of this change is to get the right message in front of the right people through RSAs. RSAs help you compete in a wider variety of relevant auctions. 

With RSA, you can increase conversions and create fewer ads. This change will allow you to spend more time on your business strategy. Learn more by visiting Google's announcement about RSAs

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