A look back at the Google Montreal Summit

On Tuesday, January 20th, the Google Summit was held in Montreal. This summit was a breakfast conference for several agencies in the region to present the latest industry trends, as well as a review of the growth of the web in recent years and projections for the future. One of the highlights of this summit was to present all the benefits of the Google Partners program and all the tools available to agencies that are part of it.

It's not even a question anymore; the majority of Canadians are searching the web and this number will continue to grow in the coming years. In order to maximize your web marketing investment, the choice of your agency becomes paramount. Google offers various certification programs that allow clients to ensure that the agency they are dealing with has the necessary skills and knowledge of the AdWords platform and Google's various products to be trusted.

Among these programs, you will find the Google Partners program. This program allows the agencies that are part of it to get continuous training in order to always be on the lookout for news and changes at Google, in addition to updates on AdWords products. The Google Partners program also allows certain agencies to obtain the partner badge. Agencies that hold this badge are recognized by Google and its clients as a trustworthy partner and must meet certain conditions such as: obtaining AdWords certification, carrying out sustained activity to ensure the agency's reliability over the long term and submitting to a series of good practices ensuring the optimization and success of the accounts that are under the management of this agency.

But what is Google actually doing to help all of its agency partners? In fact, Google provides various trainings for all its agency partners and offers support for all new accounts. Google also allows agencies to estimate traffic, provide reports and case studies during the pre-sales phase and offer optimization support for the first 13 weeks of operation. Support teams are also always available to assist agencies as needed.

In summary, when it comes to choosing your agency, prioritize a Google Partners agency and ideally one that holds the partner badge, since its success and that of its clients is already established. You will then be assured that your agency has received all the training and support necessary to ensure the success of your campaign.

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January 20, 2015: Google Agency Summit in Montreal