Consumer behaviour in relation to Internet advertising: What factors will lead them to want to know more?

Whether we are traveling in our vehicle, listening to television, radio or surfing the web, advertising is omnipresent. Consumers are used to seeing a multitude of ads and the effects of these ads are diminished because they are now part of their daily lives. Mainly when we browse the web, the sites that present advertising are more and more numerous, just think of the ads of all kinds that are found on the right of your Facebook news wall and even directly on it for some time.

"As a consumer, you'll probably feel blasé about most of them and continue to navigate your web page as you are used to."

As a consumer, you will probably feel blasé about most of them and continue browsing your web page as usual. However, you will surely browse your favorite website and see that banner ad that you can't resist clicking on. You probably don't know yet the essence of its message, nor what it can bring more to your life, but this last one, unlike the others, managed to appeal to you and make you deviate from your first goal which was a simple visit on the pages of your favorite website! But why this ad more than the dozens of others you have seen during your day? In fact, it depends on a multitude of factors that must have the common goal of delivering the right message to the right person at the right place at the right time.

The colors

"Colors are the main element of success for a good web banner ad since they are the first contact with the customer."

Each color has its own meaning and is capable of influencing the consumer, so much so that the color of a simple button on a banner can make the consumer click or not on the ad. The choice of colors must therefore be carefully considered when creating a banner ad, because it is what will determine whether or not we can deliver the right message. For example, black is associated with professionalism and precision, green evokes youth, ecology and education, while blue evokes cleanliness and credibility. Colors such as red and orange create a sense of urgency in the consumer and a call for immediate consumption; no wonder these color variations are used in the logos of fast food chains such as McDonald's and Burger King.

The layout of the elements of your banner

"Obviously, an overloaded ad with too much text and too many images should be avoided"

In addition to choosing the right colors for your banners, it is important to have a good layout of the elements on them. Obviously, an ad that is too overloaded with too much text and too many images should be avoided, as the extra information and small print will do anything but draw the consumer's eye to the ad and make them want to click for more. It is important to know that your banner is only the first contact with the consumer and that your landing page will take care of giving your potential customer additional information. In order to deliver the right message to the right customer, it is best to prioritize a clean presentation with a simple and clear message that quickly identifies a need that the target consumer must fulfill.


"Not all sites target the same type of consumer, and that's why it's crucial to know your target audience well so you can deliver advertising to them in the right place."

Once you have determined the right message to deliver to your target consumers, it is important to choose the right web ad placement to prioritize to get your message across. For example, your list of sites to advertise on will be much different if you want to promote a mobile app for 18-24 year olds than if you want to promote a company that does interior renovations for homeowners. Your ad may be visually appealing and present a message that has bite, but if it's not presented to the right target audience, you may be disappointed with the results. Not all sites target the same type of consumer, which is why it's crucial to know your target audience well so that you can deliver advertising to them in the right place, always with the goal of collecting as many relevant clicks as possible that can eventually maximize the number of conversions you measure.

The time of day

"Segmenting the times of day when we give our target consumers more budget may very well help us capture our consumer at the right time."

Each type of consumer is different and navigates the Internet in a different way. In order to be able to deliver advertising at the right time, it is essential to know the habits of our consumers. Professionals often have a busy day, but often take some time to surf the Internet during their break or lunch hour. It can then become very interesting to target more ads during these times of the day and less during off-peak hours, such as dinner time, when they will probably not be surfing the Internet since they will be busy preparing a family meal. Students, on the other hand, go to bed later and may have a little more time to surf the Internet during the day, but they may not be up at 7:00 am on Saturday morning. Segmenting the hours of the day when we give more budget to our target consumers may well help us capture our consumer at the right time and again, create a relevant click and use the budget optimally. 


A good remarketing strategy can also greatly help you retarget the right consumer, since after visiting your site or clicking on one of your ads, they will have the chance to see your ads again on the sites they visit regardless of your placements, which will increase their chances of conversions.

In summary... 

It is essential to know your target consumer and their habits in order to deliver the right ad in the right place at the right time. The colors you use, the structure of your banners as well as their message, the placements on which you deploy your banners as well as the times of day when they will be diffused can help you to know the maximum success in your campaign.

"Then all you have to do is test, measure and optimize to get your winning combination!"

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