Google Adwords: several important changes

Google held its Annual Performance Summit on May 24th and took the opportunity to announce several important changes! All of our clients are already prepared for these changes, but we would like to present them to you. These changes are major, but don't worry, we work very closely with Google and as Google Partners, we were warned in advance of these changes. You are in good hands!

Here are the changes in Google Adwords:

1. Possibility to modify bids on all types of platforms

This change was highly anticipated. Google Adwords only offered the possibility to modify the bids on mobile. From now on, we will be able to modify bids for laptops, cell phones and tablets. This change will also allow us to create specific campaigns by device type!

2. Change in the format of text ads

Probably the biggest change! Increase of the number of characters and the format of the ads. After 15 years of using the format: 25 characters (title) - 35 characters (description line 1) - 35 characters (description line 2), the format is now 30 characters (title 1) - 30 characters (title 2) - 80 characters (description). This change is very interesting and will create a lot of work in terms of content strategies. Longer ads will potentially have a significant impact on the click-through rate, the quality score and certainly on other metrics such as the conversion rate.

3. MOST IMPORTANT ad: Similar audience in search

Similar audiences are definitely a very interesting tool when running campaigns on the Google Display Network. Google now offers us the possibility to target similar audiences in search! We will now be able to target an audience "A" who clicked on our ads during a search and also target an audience defined by Google as "2A" who have the same behaviors as the audience "A", but who never clicked on our ads. The benefit? Reach even more potential customers!

4. Local ads on Google Maps

Haven't taken control of your Google My Business yet? Now is the time to do so. Google will now separate the Google search network from the local search network allowing us to create campaigns dedicated to local. Mobile should be the priority when creating and managing campaigns on Google Maps.

There are several other new features such as in-store visit metrics, native ads on the Google Display Network and voice assistant service to position well on voice searches.

These changes are positive and provide even more performance opportunities for paid search campaigns. We invite you to contact us if you have any questions regarding these changes.

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