Post COVID-19: Prepare your business offensive

In field hockey we have offensive units, defensive units and a goalie to save the day. The current crisis has thwarted all units without resistance, but through our actions of containment, social distancing and exceptional safety measures, in most cases, our goalie has held up.

Now that our defensemen are juggling the puck, it's time for our offensive unit to get organized and score a very important goal that can change the outcome of the game!

We decided to prepare 3 simple and important tactics to consider to maximize your chances of scoring the winning goal!

1. Avoid leveling down!

Although job losses were massive during the first half of the crisis, government assistance came through and people spent almost nothing during the lockdown. So, most of your potential customers didn't get poorer, they simply held on to their funds until things were over. Roll out your marketing strategy keeping in mind that your customers can afford to be there, make them dream! After all this time in confinement, people want to spoil themselves and they have the financial resources to do so.

2. Adapt your offer and make it happy!

Review your service or product offers and remove as much as possible the disadvantages that give your customers headaches. Remember that we have all suffered during this crisis, you as well as your customers. So, take the time to review your customer experience and make sure it's hassle-free. We've seen many online retailers offer free returns with courier service that goes straight to the house so people don't have to go out!

3. Skate as fast as you can to where the puck is going to go, not where it is right now!

Make predictive scenarios about your consumers' behaviors over the next 12 months. Yes, these behaviors will change drastically! Snowbirds will not go to Florida for Christmas 2020, summer barbecues with the whole family will be less frequent, people will invest massively on their property, especially on their backyard, online shopping will become the norm, etc. Tailor your offer to capitalize on the trends that will be created in the coming months.

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