Covid-19 : We pull ourselves together and seize the opportunities

It must be said that the last few days have been rather hectic and filled with uncertainty.

It hasn't been easy for anyone as virtually every industry and sector is financially affected by the current health crisis. Many have been afraid to close their doors permanently and quickly many employees have had to be laid off before the situation gets even worse for the business owners. In short, the panic is well and truly on and everyone is in stand-by mode.

However, the further along we get, the more measures are announced by the various levels of government to help workers and businesses. Although these announcements are still very recent and we don't know all the details, I still think it would not be wrong to say that we are moving in the right direction. We can take a breather and now it's time to get our act together.

In difficult times, you have to be able to seize the opportunities that come your way if you want to be able to get back up.

In all spheres of history, it is those who have been able to adapt who have been able to survive.

I see companies completely transforming themselves, custom bike clothing manufacturers now making clothing for medical personnel and construction companies going the decontamination service route and these are just a few examples.

Remember that with the government measures announced, many people will continue to receive almost their entire salary while staying at home. Think about it, all current expenses are reduced: less gas, more outings and restaurants. Of course, people should have more in their pockets, during and after the crisis. Foreign travel is not likely to pick up right away, but local consumption will be strong and probably increasing. If people cut back on travel, they will have more money to make improvements to their homes for example. So there are opportunities to be seized now. Whether it's planning a project, visiting a property, everything can be done virtually. Don't let these opportunities pass you by, adapt! If you don't, the competition will do it for you.

For those who have not yet made the digital shift, they will find that they should have done so before. Businesses that only have a storefront are forced to close while those that sell online are able to survive. However, all hope is not lost, there is still time to adapt, but you have to start right away.  

In short, as much as we all want life to return to normal as soon as possible, for now we can only adapt. Be on the lookout for opportunities that come your way and risk taking them, you'll see, it's going to be okay. 🌈


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